I asked my sister if she'd want to train with me while we're on vacation together and she said she'd only do it if we ran on a treadmill! Forget that. I'm in Hawaii. I'm going to be getting in and taking in all the sights, sounds and even smells that the island has to offer. I will not be contained to the hotel gym.
As for today's run, I certainly wasn't perfect. I powered through the first run but I had trouble finishing the long run. I stopped and walked for about a minute towards the end and then finished up the last two minutes strong. The final 5 minutes though I probably only made it about half way through before tiring out. I'll try it again in a much more tropical setting in a few days. I'm not going to let it get me down. Nothing can get you down when you're on vacation.
Since it was later in the morning on a work day, the trail was fairly deserted. So naturally, I started belting out lyrics to the songs that were playing on Pandora at the moment. So to those who may have accidentally over herd my out of breath notes, I'm not sorry. And one other thing?
Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe?
I'm also not sorry if the song is now stuck in your head.
Today's attempted itinerary:
- Run 5 minutes
- Walk 3 minutes
- Run 8 minutes
- Walk 5 minutes
- Run 5 minutes
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