Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two For One

Welcome to a special edition of Tales from the Trail! I forgot to post about Sunday's run so this will have both Sunday's and today's run.

Sunday got started at 6 AM in Ashburn... For some reason that day I really wasn't feeling it so I did end up walking most of my 5 mile run. Maybe that's why I forgot to post? Because it sucked? Either way I walked/ran 5 miles in 1:22:24.

Pitiful. I know. But I only need a 16 minute mile pace for Disney and that was a 16:40 pace. So really its not all that terrible. And Meghan made me feel better about it when she reminded me that a mile is a mile no matter how fast it took you. So the bottom line of that day, I went 5 miles.

A friend of mine mentioned that Dolce looks like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. Now that's all I can see when I look at that charming smile. :)
Today's run was much more amazing. The weather has finally cooled off and I was able to steal Dolce. She didn't seem to mind though. Maybe things went so much smoother because the heat wasn't so stifling.

Today we ran 4 miles in 56:36. I had set out for a 55 minute goal but this is still a personal best for me and I'm still pretty freaking proud of myself! That's a pace of 14:09! We ran the first mile, walked for half, ran half, walked another half and finished by running the last mile and half straight through. That is defiantly the longest I've ever been able to run without stopping for a walk break.

We even got to enjoy a pretty gorgeous sky on our way back into town.