Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Predawn Fog

With the holidays just around the corner, my weekend was filled with family festivities and I completely ran out of time to do my long run for this week. I had to make a desion. I could either skip it and not worry about it and move on, or I could wake up crazy early Monday morning and run.

I chose to run.

I was out the door by 6 am on Monday and decided to start running towards my parent's house. The distance from my apartment to my parent's house is exactly 1.5 miles.

My apartment to parents and back =3 miles

I was hoping by the time I finished those 3 miles that it would be light enough to finish the last 4 on the trail. It was incredibly foggy that morning so I decided to run to my parent's house twice.

Photo taken at 6:20 am

I ended up running the 3 mile loop on the street twice and finished the last mile on the trail for a grand total of 7 miles in 1:55:12. Its not my best time but at this point that doesn't even matter. What matters is that I got up and did it. Tomorrow marks the 1 month mark until Disney. January 12th I'm getting up predawn and running 13.1 miles. Whether its cold and foggy or not.

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