Sunday, May 13, 2012

Attempted Redemption

I felt as though I needed to try and run again today since I was so pitiful yesterday morning. I decided to just go out and see how well I can do. Bad Idea... But on the bright side...

I made a new friend on the trail today.
My first thought was, "Oh dear... A black cat has crossed my path. This is bad omen for today's run" I assumed she was feral so I kept my distance.

Then the kitty came up to me and did this:
And I knew she was OK to pet. so I did.

And she liked it. And so did I. And I had to remind myself that I have two cats at home who love me very very much.
I think kitty knew that I was on the trail for some work today. I needed to attempt to redeem myself for my crappy run Saturday morning. So she led me to the trail and sent me on my way.

So how did I do you ask? Not awesome. I spent most of my warm up petting a cat so I not long after I got going it was time to run. The first 3 minutes was great. Then I took a 2 minute walk break and the 5 minute walk just about killed me. I came home because my calves were burning and as soon as I got back to my apartment I collapsed on the couch and couldn't move for about an hour. Walking hurt my legs so bad that I couldn't move. I wore my knee brace all day yesterday and all day today, including during my run and it's beginning to feel better. I ran 1.1 miles at a 18'24" pace. That's not terrible but the pain after was. After about an hour or two I was doing much better.

Lesson learned: Your body REALLY needs that 24 hour break between workouts. Tuesday I plan on repeating Saturday's workout and I will run the full time that I need to.

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